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Evaluation and selection criteria

Última modificación
Vie , 12/07/2024 - 12:10

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation process will be implemented in 2 phases:

Step 1: Assessment of the applications, following the next criteria:

  1. Academic profile: Weight – Max 50 (Threshold 35/50). Academic and/or professional curriculum in relation to the stage of the candidate’s career.
  2. Motivation letter: Weight – Max 40 (Threshold 25/40). Originality, innovation and potential impact of the approach proposed for the selected research line.
  3. Letters of reference: Weight – Max 10 (Threshold 6/10). Reference letters supporting the candidacy will be assessed taking into account the specificity of the content with regard to the candidate’s profile as well as the profile of the people who sign them.

Step 2 - Interview: This part will be open only for the 3 best candidates of each research line

  1. Candidate’s potential (weight 40%): in order to have a general perception of the candidate’s potential, experts will pay attention to “soft” skills, ability to present easily a complex reasoning, team working; and capabilities such as independent reasoning, originality, entrepreneurship, leadership, among others.
  2. Motivation and statement of purpose (weight 30%): experts will asses, originality and feasibility aspects of the approach presented in the motivation letter as well as the candidate’s capabilities with regard to the scope of the project.
  3. Academic background and theoretical fundamentals (weight 30%): experts will assess the consistency of the candidate’s academic background and CV in the area chosen to carry out the PhD.

Selection Criteria

The final scoring for each candidate will be given by:

  1. The evaluation report from the Evaluation Committees: Weight - 50%.
  2. The individual scoring of the interviews: Weight - 50%.