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What is IberusTalent?

Última modificación
Vie , 12/07/2024 - 12:10

Is an Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) programme cofunded by the EU as part of the H2020-Marie Slodowska Curie Action Cofund.

It is an International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley (IberusTalent) offering 36 predoctoral contracts to excellent ESRs to develop individual research projects in the fields of Agrofood and Nutrition and Health Technologies in order to produce a positive effect in terms of excellent science with impact at the regional level.

The programme is run in collaboration with Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Universitat de Lleida and Universidad de La Rioja as recruiting institutions.

IberusTalent offers attractive conditions for doctoral training based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, as well as the EU Principles for Innovative Doctorate Training.

Additionally, the involvement of international Universities and non-academic participating organizations (companies, research centres and hospitals) with strong expertise on the Programme specific areas will guarantee attractive ecosystem for incoming researchers by offering secondments, short stays, and training at industry.


What we offer

  1. Medium term contract (up to 36 months, co-funded by MSCA COFUND grant), full time position (see details in Fellowship information).
  2. Financial support for international research training and conferences participations.
  3. Tailored training and personalised mentoring: Fellows will define and follow a Personal Career Development Plan at the beginning of their Doctoral thesis and will have access to a variety of training options and workshops.
  4. Support in the administrative procedures.
  5. Several activities to promote integration in the local student life and cultural activities.